JOY Clinic – guest blog by Sophie Dodds of SD Cosmetics
We are delighted to bring you this extra-special guest blog from our Sponsored Artist Sophie Dodds, owner & founder of SD Cosmetics in Herne Bay, Kent. When we heard Sophie’s story and the service she offers through JOY, we were moved by her experience and completely inspired by her work.
Approaching Sophie to support her was a no-brainer and we are so honoured to be the official sponsors of JOY. We can’t wait to spread the word about this beautiful charity. Read on to find out more from Sophie herself!

What is JOY?
From the moment I trained in permanent makeup my goal was to, one day, be able to run free clinics for people who are struggling and for those who deserve a moment just for them, but don’t have the resources to do so. I wanted to provide access to PMU services for those who need it most, even if they don’t have the funds to finance the treatment themselves.
JOY offers all PMU treatments completely free of charge to individuals who have been nominated by a loved one. It has been specially created for those individuals who truly deserve a pick-me-up in the form of a professional beauty treatment. JOY works closely with both hospices and hospitals, and often nurses and healthcare professionals who work in these facilities will nominate their patients for a treatment.
I am proud to say that JOY has been up and running for a full year now, and what a year it’s been!
We’ve been able to help those struggling with the loss of loved ones, those coping with illness, recovering from sexual assault, dealing with the loss of a child and even individuals at end-of-life undergoing palliative care.
My intention has never been to give answers or explanations, but just to provide a safe space for those who need to exhale, sit quietly within themselves, and hopefully experience some peace and comfort. JOY helps clients to see that side of themselves that perhaps they forgot.

What does the future hold for JOY?
My intention with JOY is to spread the word and reach as many people as we can. We want to ensure that JOY is helping as many people as possible. We have already taken on another practitioner, Alexandra, a medical reflexologist who has worked extensively in palliative care.
She’s an incredible asset to our foundation because she will be able to treat those who’ve been nominated but are on medication, which precludes them from having a PMU treatment. With Alexandra they will still get their moment of peace, in a safe space, enabling them to reset or reflect and recharge their batteries. This means JOY will no longer have to turn away clients on medication who are unfortunately ineligible for cosmetic tattoo procedures – which is an amazing step forward.
How did JOY come about?
In 2021 my own personal life changing experience with grief is what led me to take the leap and give this charity everything I have. Grief is an incredibly lonely place…. suddenly, your world is no longer yours, you feel like everyone hears you differently. You see grief in yourself physically every day.
I went for a haircut one day, and the stylist asked what I’d like, and I blurted out I’d like not to see grief. I had a change of hairstyle and just for a second when I first looked in the mirror, I saw a glimpse of me… me without the dark cloud. And in that small moment I felt lighter. From experience I just wanted to give as many people as I could that small moment of JOY. It doesn’t change everything, but it might just remind you that you are beautiful, and you are not defined by your challenges.

How can I support JOY and nominate a loved one?
If you know someone who doesn’t give themselves a break but constantly gives to others or someone doesn’t have financial ability to give back to themselves, these are exactly who JOY is here for. Or if you know an individual who has faced such a challenging time and deserves to feel good about themselves – JOY wants to be there for them.
Please head to to nominate and spread JOY.
JOY Client Testimonials
“The fact that this is in place to give back, it was just nice that somebody thought of me and put me forward.”
“It really boosted my confidence. For someone to even just think of me and nominate me made me feel so loved.”
“Whatever you’ve been through whether it’s grief, mental health or loss, JOY makes you feel part of a community that you maybe didn’t think was there or didn’t think was possible.”
“Coming here today and just talking to Sophie about her experience with grief and how she has articulated that has been really moving, and the brows are just the icing on the cake.”
“Even small acts of kindness go so far and what Sophie has created here is huge acts of kindness.”
“When you’ve gone through a rough time and you’re feeling crap in yourself, just having a pick-me-up and a treatment that isn’t just temporary, but you can wake up each morning and feel a little bit better about yourself – it means so much."